“Together, we help build connections and co-design suicide prevention activities that are trusted, effective and sustainable.”

We deliver services in two Queensland regions

Select a region to find out more about services and events.

Latest news

Lets talk about it
October is Mental Health Awareness Month. Let's start having more conversations about our mental health and about suicide prevention.
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Reducing stigma through Lived Experience
Queensland Mental Health Commission opens expressions of interest for stigma lived-living experience working groups.
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More than just “Thank You”
Today, we acknowledge World Gratitude Day! Gratitude is a powerful emotion… It's about recognising the positivity in our lives.
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This is an information sharing platform and not a crisis support service

If you or someone you know is in need of immediate help – please call:
Emergency 000, Lifeline 131114, and/or the Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467.